
Fiddle is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 4 Chrome extensions, including Material Incognito Dark Theme. Its Chrome extensions have reached 212,000+ users.

Users: 212,000+ (Average 53,000/extension)
Email: fa*****
Rating: 4.63 (2,846)
Total active extensions: 4
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
This theme has been deprecated in favour of the official Google Chrome dark theme.
4.64 (2,379) 200,000+
Least used extension
A theme that adds a black colour scheme to Chrome.
4.80 (248) 1,000+
Highest rated extension
A theme that adds a black colour scheme to Chrome.
4.80 (248) 1,000+
Lowest rated extension
A flat Classic Blue theme for Chrome.
4.10 (73) 6,000+

Active extensions

Material Classic Blue Theme
#1, Material Classic Blue Theme
Material Classic Blue Theme
A flat Classic Blue theme for Chrome.
4.10 (73)
Material Incognito Light Theme
#2, Material Incognito Light Theme
Material Incognito Light Theme
A theme that removes the dark Incognito Mode colour scheme from Chrome.
4.42 (146)
Material Incognito Dark Theme
#3, Material Incognito Dark Theme
Material Incognito Dark Theme
This theme has been deprecated in favour of the official Google Chrome dark theme.
4.64 (2,379)
Material Deep Black Theme
#4, Material Deep Black Theme
Material Deep Black Theme
A theme that adds a black colour scheme to Chrome.
4.80 (248)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count