PaperCut Software

PaperCut Software is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 2 Chrome extensions, including Mobility Print. Its Chrome extensions have reached 5,000,508+ users.

Users: 5,000,508+ (Average 2,500,254/extension)
Email: su*****
Rating: 2.93 (43)
Total active extensions: 2
Number of previously published extensions: 0

Active extensions

Mobility Print
#1, Mobility Print
Mobility Print
PaperCut Software
Mobility Print
2.87 (39)
Talk-o-meter for Google Meet
#2, Talk-o-meter for Google Meet
Talk-o-meter for Google Meet
PaperCut Software
Don't hog the meeting! Talk-o-meter adds an indicator to Google Meet to track, rank and compare how much you speak in meetings.
3.50 (4)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count